New Books
Jenna Fischer's Hollywood journey began at the age of 22 when she moved to Los Angeles from her hometown of St. Louis. With a theater degree in hand, she was determined, she was confident, she was ready to work hard. So, what could go wrong?
Uh, basically everything. The path to being a professional actor was so much more vast and competitive than she'd imagined. It would be eight long years before she landed her iconic role on The Office, nearly a decade of frustration, struggle, rejection and doubt.
If only she'd had a handbook for the aspiring actor. Or, better yet, someone to show her the way--an established actor who could educate her about the business, manage her expectations, and reassure her in those moments of despair.
Jenna wants to be that person for you.
With amusing candor and wit, Fischer spells out the nuts and bolts of getting established in the profession, based on her own memorable and hilarious experiences. She tells you how to get the right headshot, what to look for in representation, and the importance of joining forces with other like-minded artists and creating your own work--invaluable advice personally acquired from her many years of struggle. She provides helpful hints on how to be gutsy and take risks, the tricks to good auditioning and callbacks, and how not to fall for certain scams (auditions in a guy's apartment are probably not legit--or at least not for the kind of part you're looking for!).
Her inspiring, helpful guidance feels like a trusted friend who's made the journey, and has now returned to walk beside you, pointing out the pitfalls as you blaze your own path towards the life of a professional actor.
Written by one of the most dynamic author teams in the field of reading and literacy, All Children Read, Fifth Edition, continues to offer K-8 teachers the best practices for developing reading and writing in all students. As with earlier editions, six critical themes are interwoven throughout: the struggling reader; family/community literacy; new literacies; writing and reading connections; developmental, cultural, and linguistic diversity; and phonics/phonological awareness. The fifth edition further integrates Common Core State Standards and Response to Intervention (RTI), includes separate chapters on teaching reading fluency and vocabulary, emphasizes the teaching of English Learners, and equips teachers-in-training with the foundational knowledge they will need for their professional qualifying examinations. This focus on contemporary and critical learning prepares future teachers for the demands of helping all students succeed in the classroom.
Also available with Revel Revel(TM) is Pearson's newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel replaces the textbook and gives students everything they need for the course. Informed by extensive research on how people read, think, and learn, Revel is an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience--for less than the cost of a traditional textbook.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Revel does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Revel, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Revel, search for: 0134995147 / 9780134995144 All Children Read: Teaching for Literacy in Today's Diverse Classrooms, with Revel -- Access Card Package Package consists of:
America: A Narrative History puts narrative front and center with David Shi's rich storytelling style, colorful biographical sketches, and vivid first-person quotations. The new editions further reflect our society and our students today by continuing to incorporate diverse voices into the narrative with new coverage of the Latino/a experience as well as enhanced coverage of women and gender, African American, Native American, immigration, and LGBTQ history. With dynamic digital tools, including the InQuizitive adaptive learning tool, and new digital activities focused on primary and secondary sources, America: A Narrative History gives students regular opportunities to engage with the story and build critical history skills.
The Brief Edition text narrative is 15% shorter than the Full Edition.Written by a game developer and professor trained in architecture, An Architectural Approach to Level Design is one of the first books to integrate architectural and spatial design theory with the field of level design. It explores the principles of level design through the context and history of architecture.
Now in its second edition, An Architectural Approach to Level Design presents architectural techniques and theories for you to use in your own work. The author connects architecture and level design in different ways that address the practical elements of how designers construct space and the experiential elements of how and why humans interact with that space. It also addresses industry issues like how to build interesting tutorial levels and how to use computer-generated level design systems without losing the player-focused design of handmade levels. Throughout the text, you will learn skills for spatial layout, evoking emotion through gamespaces, and creating better levels through architectural theory.
Bringing together topics in game design and architecture, this book helps you create better spaces for your games. Software independent, the book discusses tools and techniques that you can use in crafting your interactive worlds.
Anatomy for 3D Artists is an essential teaching guide for sculpting human anatomy. Non-software specific, it is packed with everything today's 3D artist needs to know to tackle the difficult task of recreating the human form in 3D. Starting with 2D references, and moving on to practical and advanced 3D sculpting--including topology and animation preparation--every stage in the creation of an ideal male and female figure is covered. Featuring established artists such as Chris Legaspi and Mario Anger, there are also several master projects for an informative and in-depth overview of the 3D sculpting process, showing how the ideal human form can be adapted to fit any shape!